Friday, November 27, 2009

share petua

saya nak share tentang petua yg saya terima...
dari seorang pakar motivasi & dah
lama saya praktikkan (l/kurang 11 tahun) kat
anak2 saya.... elok dilakukan oleh salah seorang ibu
atau bapa atau seeloknya kedua2 buat iaitu selepas
ibu buat... diikuti oleh bapa (inshaallah anak akan
lebih merasai dihargai)

setiap pagi.. sebelum pegi sekolah berdiri belakang anak,
& kedua2 (anak & ibu atau bapa) menghadap kiblat...
letakkan kedua2 telapak tangan ibu/ayah yg dirapatkan
atas kepala anak tanpa sentuh kepala lebih kurang
1 inci dari rambut... lepastu bacakan al Fatihah &
Alam-nash-rah. .. hingga habis....
pastu niat dalam hati mohon pada Allah "Ya Allah
permudahkanlah anak aku ini untuk belajar dan diterangkan
hati & ditetapkan iman & lain2 doa yg nak dihajatkan"
lepas itu kucup dahi anak & pergi le kesekolah...
tak sampai pun 5 minit...

jangan malu nak kucup dahi anak2 walaupun dah
berusia 17 tahun... (terutama pihak ayah akan
rasa malu nak cium anak lelaki yg dewasa)

saya diberitahu (semasa sesi motivasi tersebut),
telapak tangan kita ini ada aura... & mestilah
digunakan sebaiknye... sebab itulah orang tua2
kate jangan tampar anak guna telapak tangan...

tanamkan semangat untuk buatkan setiap hari
& anda lihatlah kesannye.... kalau tak dapat setiap hari,
2 hari sekali, seminggu sekali ...
anak saya hingga sekarang (17, 15 & 10thn) saya
buatkan & kesannya inshaallah anda akan lihat...
nasihat saya... anda masih belum terlambat... buatkan
sekarang pada semua anak2, sehingga mereka dewasa
seeloknya ibu & ayah kedua2 sekali buat... semasa anak2
nak pergi sekolah atau sebelum tidur atau bile2 teringat...
inshaallah anak akan dengar cakap ibu ayah & terang hati..
boleh share dengan kengkawan lain...


Hmmmm....I try to fork out sense of this article..... .

The human body was never meant to consume rice! You see, our genes have hardly changed in more than 30,000 years. However, our food choices and lifestyle have changed dramatically. The caveman would hardly recognize our food or way of life.

Caveman food was never cooked as fire was not yet tamed. Thus, he ate only those foods that you can eat without treatment with or by fire. He ate fruits, vegetables, fish (sushi anyone?), eggs, nuts and meat. Yes, even meat. You can even eat meat raw if you were starving in the forest. You have the necessary enzymes to digest meat.

However, rice, like wheat and corn, cannot be eaten raw. It must be cooked. Even if you were starving in the desert, you cannot eat rice in the raw form. This is because we do not have the system of enzymes to break rice down. You were never meant to eat rice. To make matters worse, you not only eat rice, but also make it the bulk of your food.

In some parts of Asia , rice forms up to 85% of the plate. Even if you take rice, keep it to a minimum. Remember, it is only for your tongue - not your body. Actually, rice and other grains like wheat and corn are actually worse than sugar. There are many reasons:

Rice becomes sugar - lots of it

This is a fact that no nutritionist can deny: rice is chemically no different from sugar. One bowl of cooked rice is the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This does not matter whether it is white, brown or herbal rice. Brown rice is richer in fibre, some B vitamins and minerals but it is still the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. To get the same 10 teaspoons of sugar, you need to consume lots of kangkong - 10 bowls of it.

Rice is digested to become sugar.

Rice cannot be digested before it is thoroughly cooked. However, when thoroughly cooked, it becomes sugar and spikes circulating blood sugar within half an hour - almost as quickly as it would if you took a sugar candy. Rice is very low in the "rainbow of anti-oxidants"?lt;/span>

This complete anti-oxidant rainbow is necessary for the effective and safe utilisation of sugar. Fruits come with a sugar called fructose. However, they are not empty calories as the fruit is packed with a whole host of other nutrients that help its proper assimilation and digestion.

Rice has no fibre. The fibre of the kangkong fills you up long before your

blood sugar spikes. This is because the fibre bulks and fills up your stomach. Since white rice has no fibre, you end up eating lots of "calorie dense" food before you get filled up. Brown rice has more fibre but still the same amount of sugar.

Rice is tasteless -? Sugar is sweet. There is only so much that you can eat at one sitting. How many teaspoons of sugar can you eat before you feel like throwing up? Could you imagine eating 10 teaspoons of sugar in one seating?

Rice is always the main part of the meal - While sugar may fill your dessert or sweeten your coffee, it will never be the main part of any meal. You could eat maybe two to three teaspoons of sugar at one meal. However, you could easily eat the equal value of two to three bowls (20 - 30 teaspoons) of sugar in one meal. I am always amused when I see someone eat sometimes five bowls of rice (equals 50 teaspoons of sugar) and then asks for tea tarik kurang manis!

There is no real "built in" mechanism for us to prevent overeating of rice

How much kangkong can you eat? How much fried chicken can you eat? How much steamed fish can you eat? Think about that! In one seating, you cannot take lots of chicken, fish or cucumber, but you can take lots of rice. Eating rice causes you to eat more salt.

As rice is tasteless, you tend to consume more salt - another villain when it comes to high blood pressure. You tend to take more curry that has salt to help flavor rice. We also tend to consume more ketchup and soy sauce which are also rich in salt.

Eating rice causes you to drink less water. The more rice you eat, the less water you will drink as there is no mechanism to prevent the overeating of rice. Rice, wheat and corn come hidden in our daily food. As rice is tasteless, it tends to end up in other foods that substitute rice like rice flour, noodles and bread. We tend to eat the hidden forms which still get digested into sugar. Rice, even when cooked, is difficult to digest

Can't eat raw rice? Try eating rice half cooked. Contrary to popular belief, rice is very difficult to digest. It is "heavy stuff". If you have problems with digestion, try skipping rice for a few days. You will be amazed at how the problem will just go away.

Rice prevents the absorption of several vitamins and minerals. Rice when taken in bulk will reduce the absorption of vital nutrients like zinc, iron and the B vitamins.

Are you a rice addict? Going rice-less may not be easy but you can go rice-less. Eating less rice could be lot easier than you think. Here are some strategies that you can pursue in your quest to eat less rice:

Eat less rice - Cut your rice by half. Barry Sears, author of the Zone Diet, advises "eating rice like spice".

Instead, increase your fruits and vegetables.

Take more lean meats and fish.

You can even take more eggs and nuts.

Have "riceless" meals. Take no rice or wheat at say, breakfast. Go for eggs instead.

Go on "riceless" days - Go "western" once a week.

Take no rice and breads for one day every week. That can't be too difficult. Appreciate the richness of your food. Go for taste, colors and smells. Make eating a culinary delight. Enjoy your food in the original flavors.

Avoid the salt shaker or ketchup. You will automatically eat less rice.

Eat your fruit dessert before (Yes! No printing error) your meals.

The fibre rich fruits will "bulk up" in your stomach. Thus, you will eat less rice and more fruits

'Do not allow things you cannot do stop you from do things you can do'



Artikel untuk parent and parent to be..

Subject: Otak Kanan - Teknik Jepun Shichida Methods...

Beberapa minggu lepas boss aku ada cakap kat aku yg dia antaq anak die 2 thn pergi Sichida kelas...yakni kelas yg di uruskan oleh jepun melatih anak-anak befikir menggunakan otak sebelah kanan. Otak sebelah kanan ni lebih efektif sebenarmya dari otak sebelah kiri tetapi kena practise sikitlah penggunaannya. Kelas ni mahal,kalau kelas tadika juanna yg aku nak masukkan tahun depan tu cost nye lebih tinggi dari cost kite satu semester kat ITM, tapi boss aku ni atas kesedaran bahawa ramai sgt cine yang pergi kelas tu utk ajar anak2 depa dan melayu cuma setengah kerat aje...dia pun bersetuju ngan niat ikhlasnye untuk ajar
aku dan staff melayu yg lain.

Aku pun nak korang practisekan bende ni kat anak korang, sebab baru seminggu aku buat kat anak aku...dah nampak keberkesanannya.

1. Sewaktu anak nak tidur atau tidur-tidur ayam, cakap kat die sepenuh hati dan sejujurnya yang kita sayang kat dia, dia budak baik, dia anak soleh, dia budak kuat, tak sakit, dia budak pandai dsb. Sbb during tidur-tidur ayam ni otak kanan sedang bekerja, otak kiri dah tidur dah, tapi kena buat seikhlas
hati...kalau tengah marah ..tak jadi. kalau anak korang tu dah tidur,ramas- ramas jari atau tangan dia, macam picitlah supaya dia kembali berada dalam tidur2 ayam punya situation. Aku buat kat anak aku sebab die bangun pagi lambat pas tu siap melalak-lalak lagi, aku cakap hari-hari kat dia, dia budak baik, dia suka pergi sekolah, dia budak sihat, dia nak bangun
awal.... sekarang 6.30 dah bukak mata termasuk sabtu n Ahad.

2. Start guna cards untuk ajar anak. Aku ajar ABC-Z guna card seminggu je,sekarang dah kenal semua huruf dah siap boleh eja perkataan pendek-pendek. .buat card banyak-banyak dan tunjuk kat dia orang cepat-cepat. .macam..a. .b..c..d. .e, insya Allah cepat die dapat sebab bila kita tunjuk kad laju-laju atau cepat-cepat
otak kanan die bekerja keras untuk tangkap apa benda yang kite tunjuk tu...kita boleh buat card 1,2,3, gambar-gambar. .. potonglah gambar kat mana-mana dsb.

3. Gerak kerja tangan adalah hasil dari otak kanan, so ajar anak korang main tanah liat, main water colour, melukis, gunting kertas, origami dsb. memang le kite yang kene mengemas tapi takpe....... ... satu lagi cuba korang lukis gambar,
contohnye rama2, tapi sebelah sahaja dan suruh die orang sambung lukis ikut apa yg korang lukis tu kat sebelah lagi...ini pun dapat mengaktifkan penggunaan
otak kanan....Korang tau kenapa cine, ngan jepun pandai-pandai. ...sebab depa makan guna chopstik....chopstik tu mengaktifkan kerja tangan and as well gerakkan otak kanan.

4. Jgn marah-marah atau tengking anak........ sebab depa boleh simpan semuanya dalam otak kiri.......kalau termarah depa, pi balik kat cara no 1 tadi, and mintak maaf kat die.....

5. Satu lagi develop they all punya imagination by start bercerita kat die orang dan suruh depa sambung cerite tu, walaupun cerita tu memang lah merapu takpa....... .. kita pun bukan tak biasa merapu...... .

6. Main teka-teki ngan they all, taruk satu barang dalam kotak tissue and suruh depa teka apa benda tu. First few times boleh bagi option macam.....bagi tau colour, bunyi, lama-lama depa boleh develop six sence by concentrating depa boleh teka apa benda dlm kotak tissue semua utk aktifkan
otak sebelah kanan. Tapi ingat.....semua game yg hangpa nak buat ngan dia tu cuma boleh buat setengah jam sehari..tak payah lama-lama.

Sebelum buat exercise ni, kena tarik nafas dalam-dalam and relaks...tak boleh buat time tengah nak masak ka, basuh kain ka tengok tv ka, tak jadi....Buat kena ikhlas, and merendah diri sikitlah bila dah terror ini semua satu cara yang Tuhan lagi Maha Mengetahui kalau Dia izin anak kite nak pandai Alhamdulillah tapi kita kena berusaha, dan bersyukur kalau dah berhasil sebab bila2 Dia boleh tarik balik..betui dak......Aku pun tengah try lagi ni...

Lagi satu untuk berkongsi sesama pembaca....

Kaunselor UTM, Dr, Syed Mohd. Shafek pun ada cakap benda yang sama dan dia ada ckp ttg perkataan jangan kat anak-anak. kalau kita banyak sangat guna perkataan jangan kat anak-anak... .. itu lah yang anak akan lepas nie kena ganti perkataan jangan tu kepada perkataan lain plak...contohnya. ...Tolong
senyap Abang,,,berbanding Jangan bising bang..

Dlm Islam sendiripun menggalakkan kita ibubapa bercakap2/berdoa dgn anak2 ketika mrk dlm proses nak tidur sbb pada ketika itulah di antara waktu2 doa dimakbulkan.